Tea, coffee and nibbles will be provided. You will need to bring your lunch along and we do have a fridge and also a microwave to use if you need that.
Crafty packs will be available for sale along with knitting needles and crochet hooks.
Accommodation is available at Apple Inn Motel, the Batlow Hotel and the caravan park.
And please, if you would like to question or discuss something with me, you are welcome to phone or text me on 0429363089. Amanda
Amanda’s work has been inspired by
her love of wool and plants. Wool and plants can and do fill her life with joy and happiness. Her passion gives her reason to pause and celebrate the beauty that both wool and plants have to offer.

Knitting for Beginners
You may know how to do a knit stitch, and maybe you’ve tried a purl stitch, or maybe you are a beginner, welcome!
Today we will learn how to cast on and cast off stitches. We will learn how to increase stitches and decrease the number of stitches in your knitting.
We will follow simple patterns to create fancy stitching using the knit and purl stitches.
In this lesson you will discover the exciting range of possibilities to create beautiful and practical wearables and homewares for yourself or to gift.
Wool and your first pair of knitting
needles will be provided.
Crochet for Beginners
You may not have tried crochet yet, or maybe you’ve had a play with a crochet hook.
We will learn basic stitches which are used to create gorgeous items in one of the oldest crafts used around the world.
Create an Afghan blanket or a hat, cardigan, scarf or a doily, basket or a handbag.
Today we will learn to follow simple patterns to make your first granny squares.
Yarn will be provided along with your first crochet hook.
Felt For Beginners
Felting has been done for longer than knitting or weaving.
It has been used for making clothing, tents, blankets and so much more.
We will use sheep wool to create a piece of felt which can then be used as a cushion cover or decorated to hang on the wall or used as a small knee rug.
Wool will be provided.
Knitting with Colours
Coloured knitting is often called intarsia, and can be so beautiful.
We will start by changing colours on the next row of our knitting to create horizontal stripes.
Then for a little more difficulty we will change colour along the row, so creating vertical stripes.
Be excited by the possibilities for your knitting when you can use more than one colour!
Maybe a picture on your child’s next jumper or a fair isle jumper for the man in your life.
Wool will be provided, please bring your knitting needles to class.
Crochet Bowl or Basket
Today we will learn to crochet a round or square bowl or basket shape.
For whatever use you may have around the home, there is a suitable bowl or basket that you can create.
The children’s room, the office or the kitchen all have a need of a bowl or a basket of a size and shape.
Yarn will be supplied. Please bring your crochet hook/s to class.
Felt a Small Bowl
We shall use some wool roving along with warm water and detergent to transform the wool into a lovely little bowl.
We can add colour in the final layer and while shaping you can use your imagination to give your bowl character.
Wool will be supplied.
Weaving for Beginners
Weaving is an ancient art form.
It is very therapeutic and calming.
You will learn to warp your loom, then add the weft across, weaving your coloured yarns over and under the warp yarns.
Let your imagination go….many textures and colours can be used together.
Yarn will be supplied, and the loom is yours to keep.
Knitting with Cables
Cables are surprisingly simple to knit.
You will be knitting groups of stitches out of order.
You simply put some stitches on hold, Knit the next few stitches, then knit the stitches on hold.
Cables can look like small ropes through your knitting.
Cable knitting is often called Aran. Aran jumpers tend to be warmer, being denser because of the cables.
Wool will be provided, please bring your knitting needles to class.
Crochet a Doily or Shopping Bag
Having learnt the basics, let’s go further with your crochet stitches and use a pattern to create either a doily or a bag.
You may have a pattern to bring along that I can help you with.
Yarn will be provided, please bring your crochet hook/s to use along with your creative ideas.
Scrumbling is so much fun!
Using your talents with both knitting and crochet you will create today a small handbag, a purse or a scarf.
Let’s enjoy colours and stitches today.
Yarn will be supplied. Please bring knitting needle/s and crochet hook/s.
Needle Felt - Artistic Landscape
Creating felt pictures will utilise the versatility of the properties of wool.
Use inspiration from the world around you, your home, family, city scape or country scene.
Using coloured wool as a paint, we will create a picture suitable to hang, or to use as a cushion or…?
All felting supplies will be provided including wool.
Bring along a photo, drawing or idea to create on the day.
Knitting – Following a Pattern
Knitting patterns can seem to be written in another language!
Learning what the abbreviations mean is a good start to reading and understanding the patterns.
Then just read the pattern as you would a normal book or magazine. And relax!
Each row is written individually – you only need to understand one row at a time.
Punctuation, asterisks, parentheses and brackets are used, and do help explain the detail of the row to you.
Yarn will be provided, please bring your knitting needles to class. Also, if you have a pattern that you want to bring along, that’s fine.
Felt Slippers
How comfy are felt slippers!
Together we will create a lovely pair of slippers for you to wear and show off.
You can add special touches to the outside layer of wool during construction to have a one of a kind pair of slippers.
Perfect to create as gifts for the family and friends.
Wool will be provided.
Knitting – Add Embroidery
Embroidery is a simple and fairly quick way to add embellishment to your finished knitting.
Enjoy transforming a simple knit into something much more intricate and beautiful.
From a simple running stitch to an embroidered flower bed.
Yarn will be provided. Please bring a darning needle and a piece of knitting to decorate with embroidery.
Felt Hats
Felt hats have been made for centuries.
Wool hats are warm and decorative.
Shaping and sculpting the wool is a skill you will learn while creating your hat.
You can choose from a Beret, Fedora Derby or something fun for the kids.
Felting supplies and wool will be provided.
Crochet Over Rope
Learn to crochet a very sturdy basket by crocheting over a rope.
These baskets can be larger for toys or tools or your wool collection.
Baskets can be round or square and can easily have handles added.
Yarn will be provided. Please bring your crochet hook/s to class.
Felt Handbag or Purse
How often can you buy that perfect handbag?
Designing your own one of a kind handbag can be exciting.
Decide on the shape and size you will need, then you can individualise your bag with colour and texture.
We can add pockets, but keep it simple to start with.
Wool will be provided.
Knitting – Learn to Design
Let’s learn to design a picture to knit onto a sweater.
We will use graph paper, where every square is a stitch.
You will be able to knit a simple design on the day.
Graph paper and yarn supplied. Please bring your knitting needles to class. Also bring a picture or design you would like to draw onto the graph paper….
Needle Felting 3D
Today we will create a little animal.
Having mastered the techniques of needle felting in previous lessons, you are now ready for more fun-filled projects.
A cute bunny or your puppy dogs face or your imagination is limitless!
Wool and needle will be provided.
Felt Fairy Garden in a TCup or Basket
Today we will create a fairy garden using wool and a felting needle.
Our little Fairy Garden will be sitting in a teacup or nestled into a little basket.
A delight to create and behold.
Wool will be provided. Please bring your felting needle and a Tcup. I’ll provide a little basket if no Tcup.
Needle Felting with Wire Armature
Let’s get creative today with a wire armature to support our figures.
When finished you will be able to pose your animal in any position.
With the felting needle you will add the colours to bring your creature to life.
Wool and wire will be provided. Please bring your needle.
Come and learn how to spin your own yarn. You may have a wheel at home to bring – or you can use my wheel.
So exciting learning how to create your yarn from raw wool or rovings, using a range of colours, ready for your next knitting or crochet project.
Wool will be provided.
$65.00 / 1 hour
Wool Preparation From Raw Fleece
It can be so satisfying to create a project from scratch.
We will learn about washing raw fleece so that it won’t mistakenly felt.
Then we will card raw wool ready to felt or spin into yarn.
We will then dye the wool we have just prepared.
Wool and dyes will be provided.
If you feel happier, bring a pair of rubber gloves – raw wool is quite filthy!
Plant Propagation
Plant propagation is the process of creating new plants.
We will use cuttings with a large variety of plants to choose from in our gardens.
A rooting hormone will help the cutting to produce it’s roots for you.
Full instructions, pots and ‘soil’ will be provided.

Bonsai is an artform which creates what appears to be a mature, old tree in just a few years, having started with a young tree.
We will use techniques such as pinching buds, pruning and wiring the branches to shape the tree.
Root pruning will be used to restrict the ultimate size of the tree.
Any plant with a trunk and branching can be used for bonsai.
Bonsai is a never ending journey….
Your first pot, tree and soil will be provided.